Michelle Rojas Michelle Rojas


Making the career transition from traditional social work settings to tech, corporate, and other sectors can feel daunting. To help you, we have created scripts and templates that you can use for when you are contacting a recruiter, requesting an informational interview, and highlighting your transferable social work skills. This is simply a starting point and we encourage you to modify the templates below to fill your specific needs.

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Stepping Out of Traditional Social Work Roles
Jennifer Pelham Jennifer Pelham

Stepping Out of Traditional Social Work Roles

While only some pursue the title of Social Worker, all people hold the power to shape the world and help others. Donating to causes, volunteering, participating in awareness campaigns for social issues, and lending a listening ear when someone needs to be heard are examples of how each one of us can invest in the happiness and well-being of other people. While this might seem innate for some people, these actions are what Social Workers are trained to do — we are experts in people. We understand how relationships and systems intersect and impact each other. We strive for justice and equity. We bring attention to important issues that others ignore.

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27 Things We Learned From Our ‘Pivot to Corporate Social Work’ Discussion
Career advice Jennifer Pelham Career advice Jennifer Pelham

27 Things We Learned From Our ‘Pivot to Corporate Social Work’ Discussion

At our recent Corporate Social Work Collective event featuring Marthea Pitts, The MSW Coach, and two recruiters with social work backgrounds – Alicia Whitney and Olivia Gonzalaz — we shared many helpful tips and tricks about making the pivot to Corporate Social Work.

If you weren’t able to attend the session, we want to share some of the knowledge from the discussion. So here you go, an “in a nutshell” summary of advice shared at our event.

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