27 Things We Learned From Our ‘Pivot to Corporate Social Work’ Discussion
At our recent Corporate Social Work Collective event featuring Marthea Pitts, The MSW Coach, and two recruiters with social work backgrounds – Alicia Whitney and Olivia Gonzalaz — we shared many helpful tips and tricks about making the pivot to Corporate Social Work.
If you weren’t able to attend the session, we want to share some of the knowledge from the discussion. So here you go, an “in a nutshell” summary of advice shared at our event.

11 Tips When Making the Switch to Corporate Social Work
If you’re thinking about making the switch to Corporate Social Work, this post is for you. We need all kinds of social work jobs. And while the traditional jobs of caseworkers and therapists are essential, social work skills are highly desired in all companies and organizations. For-profit companies need us too! Businesses are filled with people who bring their whole selves to work, problems and all. We bring a fresh perspective that is highly valued in the workplace.